Muse Ariadne

Muse Ariadne is a digital writing club, wherein neocitizens come together to write weekly-ish responses to shared prompts. I'm posting the responses as essays in my regular blog feed or on their own page as a poem, unless one fits better somewhere else, but this is the link hub to find them all in order in one place with the affiliated prompts.

  1. Write about what ways writing plays a role in your life.
  2. Write about a worldly place that is a threshold for you.
  3. Write a piece inspired by two famous dali paintings: persistence of memory and the elephants.
  4. Write about echoes, sound, and reverberation.
  5. Take time to explore different structures of whatever you like to write. for poetry, consider writing a pantoum, ghazal, or abecedarian.
  6. Explore a life cycle in some kind of writing.
  7. Write a piece in which you blend two physical senses.