This is where the less literal creations live. Fiction, metaphors, interactive experiences, notes on worlds other than our own, poetry, things not attempting to portray the world as it is. In general, I'd be happy to hear how these things made you feel or what you thought of it, but I try not to answer questions about what things here mean. If I knew how to say these things a different way, I would've said them that way from the start.
- The most complete collection of my poetry can be found on tumblr, but I'm slowly moving poems over and playing with a hyperlinked structure rather than an index. Start with Bonework if you'd like to poke around. If you like what you see, consider buying my debut chapbook, "To All My Friends Who Were Out in Highschool".
- A knowledgebase/note collection for the campaign I run in a homebrew setting using Blades In The Dark's ruleset.
- A collection of pixel art I've made.